Sunday, April 26, 2009

Asylum Shoot Outtakes

I shot a ton of photos for this shoot, inside my dog's kennel. I edited a lot of them, but have tried to only upload my favorites to Flickr. There are still more that may end up there eventually. I was honestly surprised that this series wasn't more popular, because I love it. I had this idea of shooting in my dog's kennel for a long time now (years). Originally, I had been contemplating the 7 Deadly Sins project and thought this theme might be good for "wrath". I've worked out another theme for the 7 Deadly Sins though, and so this shoot was allowed to stand on it's own.

I shot these 2 images with the intention of cloning them together, but after the fact I didn't think this clone shot had the same impact as many of the single shots. I still like it, but I wish I'd framed it more "straight on". I moved my camera midway during the shoot and these were from the first set up. I think if I'd have shot them from the second set up I'd like the result a little better.


Another one that I wish I'd shot from the second (more straight on) set up. Struggled with this one because the sun was much brighter down by the end where my face was, and couldn't seem to get the color tones to work as I wanted them to, but still like it.

_MG_9134 copy

A close runner up for the shot titled Asylum on my Flickr account... I like the blur of the open mouth, but the rest of my face I don't care for. In Asylum, I like that the blur is less extreme, and my eye contact still manages to come through it.


Lastly, this is a close up shot from the same day. I shot this outside along with Whiteout.



  1. very cool outtakes...that second to the last crazy and creepy!

  2. the outtakes are more edgy and raw feeling seems to me Meg - appropriately creepy indeed... and the closeup, both beautiful and unsettling (great eyes) in a way, nicely framed and great geometric element use. your flickr work has been interesting of late as well. nice to see you move to the blogosphere. cheers

  3. I really like the blurred face one as well, it's pretty wild.
